Net interest income of commercial banks in Turkey 2017-2028

Net interest income of the commercial banking segment of the retail & commercial banking market in Turkey from 2017 to 2028

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Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


Commercial banking refers to the financial services sector that provides a range of financial products and services to businesses, including small and large enterprises. Commercial banks offer services such as loans, lines of credit, and other financial products specifically designed for businesses. These services are critical to supporting the growth and development of businesses and the broader economy.
Commercial banks play a key role in the financial landscape by providing businesses with the funding they need to invest in new projects, hire employees, and expand their operations. They also offer a range of risk management services, such as trade financing and hedging solutions, to help businesses manage their financial risks.
The commercial banking market is highly competitive, with large global players as well as regional and local banks competing for business. Banks in this market are continually seeking ways to improve their offerings and remain competitive by leveraging technology and offering innovative financial products and services. Changes in regulations and the growing trend towards digitalization are also shaping the commercial banking market, creating opportunities for new entrants and forcing existing players to adapt.
Overall, commercial banking provides a vital range of financial services to businesses and is critical to supporting the growth and development of the broader economy.


The market data comprises Net Interest Income, the value of Deposits, the value of Loans, Credit Card Interest Income, the number of ATMs as well as the number of Bank Branches.

Additional information:

The Banking market is highly competitive and characterized by the presence of large global players as well as regional and local banks. Banks are continually seeking ways to improve their offerings and remain competitive by leveraging technology and offering innovative financial products and services. Additionally, changes in regulations and the growing trend toward digitalization are shaping the retail and commercial banking market, creating opportunities for new entrants and forcing existing players to adapt.

Key players in this market are companies such as Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., JPMorgan Chase & Co., and HSBC Holdings.

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